Sunday, April 18, 2010

Candle Spell to Obtain Employment

2 usual altar candles, PLUS one green candle, anointed with money oil (or another replacement oil).
Sage incense
With Dove's Blood ink, write your desire on a piece of blank parchment paper.
Take a sharp instrument of some kind and with it carve what you want three times simply on the candle.
Then place the parchment with your desire under the anointed, carved candle.

When you feel the time is right, say:

”Upon this candle I will write
What I receive of thee tonight
Grant what I wish you to do
I dedicate this rite to you
I trust that you will grand this boon
O lovely Goddess of the Moon
I call earth to bond my spell
Air speed its travel well
Fire give it spirit from above
Water quench my spell with love
So mote it be!”

This spell is best performed at full moon when boons are granted.

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